Zte Dashboard Update Tool
Zte Dashboard Update Tool

Zte Dashboard Update Tool

Latency(recent/average): 20.55/23.82 ms Jitter: 267.41Ĭontinuous sending times after the first recovery time 0 Link Monitor: wifi Status: alive Create time: Fri Mar 18 14:55:41 2016 The /etc/default/gpsd file looks like this: I had a lot of problems with the GPSd v3.06 in the Raspbian Wheezy repository, so I upgraded to Jessie, built GPSd v3.16 from source and installed systemd services. To synchronise time using GPS receiver and NTP using SHared Memory driver (type 28), read the following concise article Connecting u-blox NEO-6M GPS to Raspberry Pi.

  • import gps.json dashboard and modify it to suit your needs or build your own from scratch.
  • add geo.conf to /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ and reload supervisor process.
  • install gpsd ( docs) using this or this guide or better still, install latest from source.
  • import satinternet.json dashboard and modify it to suit your needs or build your own from scratch (change URLs to suit your environment).
  • install nginx or Caddyserver and configure it as a reverse proxy for Newtec Sat3Play web GUI.
  • add nf to /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ and reload supervisor process.
  • update host variable in to match the Newtec S3P (NTC2252) modem ipaddr.
  • All the API requests require the Referer: request header present. # pbm_capacity_info&pbm_location=pbm_native # pbm_capacity_info&pbm_location=pbm_sim # ConnectionMode (dial mode auto|manual) It may be nesessary to modify UDEV rules and change the default dialout group assigned by kernel to the USB serial device to nut as follows:
  • import ups.json dashboard and modify it to suit your needs or build your own from scratch (change URLs to suit your environment).
  • Zte Dashboard Update Tool

  • add ups.conf to /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ and reload supervisor process.
  • edit and adjust the default upsname (mine is upsoem) or pass from the command line using -ups parameter.
  • ensure Network UPS Tools is correctly configured to work with the UPS (use blazer_ser driver).
  • import temp.json dashboard and modify it to suit your needs or build your own from scratch (change URLs to suit your environment).
  • Zte Dashboard Update Tool

  • go to add a new datasource and configure other options.
  • add w1_nf to /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ and reload supervisor process.
  • optionally create retention policy otherwise default (store forever) RP applies.
  • Zte Dashboard Update Tool

    grafana) for your metrics by running influx -execute 'CREATE DATABASE grafana '

  • update DS18B201 sensor list and database name in
  • This repository contains configuration specific to my environment, with five DS18B20 sensors in total. Sudo update-rc.d grafana-server defaults 95 10

    Zte Dashboard Update Tool