“Fax Modem” is required to send scanned email documents and forward faxes as email attachments from your computer. You can send and receive faxes with “Windows Fax and Scan” application using a Fax MODEM. This application is incompatible with T.38 technology and can’t be used for Internet faxes. Windows Fax and Scan: This feature is associated with Microsoft Windows OS including Windows XP, Vista, Window 7, 8 and Windows 10.

About Windows Fax and Scan: No Scanners were detected In case if you experience “No Scanners were detected” error while try to scan files, then you can read & follow our instructions to Fix Windows Fax and Scan not working Issue on Windows 10. “ Windows Fax and Scan” feature is associated with Microsoft Windows Operating System that can be used to send faxes with Windows PC.