Turning into a vampire in skyrim
Turning into a vampire in skyrim

turning into a vampire in skyrim

If you don’t want to cure your vampirism and have no intention of becoming a vampire again, there is another permanent solution. This method can be done repeatedly if you become a vampire further down the line. Let Falion do his thing and perform the ritual.Ĭongratulations! You’ve successfully initiated the vampire cure.Speak to Falion again in Morthal who will tell you to meet him at dawn (between 4 and 6am) at the Summoning Stones which is just north of Morthal.Cast Spell Trap on an enemy, kill them in the allotted time and fill your Black Soul Gem.Falion will sell a Black Soul Gem for about 1300 gold but if you don’t want to buy one you can head to Fort Snowhawk where there are necromancers who carry them.Talk to Falion after 6pm (eastern most house in Morthal) and he’ll recognize you as a vampire and offer to cure you if you bring him a filled Black Soul Gem.You’ll be pointed towards a mage in Morthal called Falion. You might need to talk to a bartender a few times until you get the quest.To get started you’ll need to speak to any bartender and ask for rumours until you’re given the quest “Rising at Dawn”. So if you’re Stage 3 or 4, get feed first before you start. In Stage 3 NPCs will not usually interact with you and at Stage 4 you are so far gone that citizens will attack you on sight. It is inadvisable to attempt curing vampirism if you are Stage 3 or 4. You progress through the stages every 24 hours if you don’t feed on a sleeping NPC. The first thing to know about being a vampire is that there are four stages and each stage brings you more benefits but also more detriments.

Turning into a vampire in skyrim