If you like to subscribe the newsletter type your e-mail address in the field below and click "Subscribe". Thanks to those who have uploaded articles to mods.dk, without the uploads mods.dk have not been such an excellent technical forum. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, then write it in the contact form. Use the contact form to get in contact with mods.dk. If you have a modification, and it is not here, please send the modification. See the search help link for more information. You can also use the search option, it is very fast. Use the navigation menu on the left side to easy find your equipment. Right now the database contains 5967 articles. You can find how to modify a radio to receive and transmit out of range, you can find how to modify a radio to use high speed packet modems, and how to modify the radio/modem to get better performance.

Here you will find modifications of many types of HAM radios, microphones, power supplies, modems etc. Welcome to mods.dk, the best site on the internet for modifications repair instructions and improvement of HAM rigs, HAM modems, etc.